Chris Reade • 248-914-0434 •


July 2016 - Present
Partner Technology Manager, Actions on Google

Ensured the success of six of the first Actions on Google launch partners, navigating them through our voice user experience design process and a rapidly changing API.

Designed, built and delivered a suite of business intelligence reports, dashboards and tools used company wide to track the health of the platform and the status of individual developers.

Used the BI suite to deliver targeted marketing and design consulting interventions to partners who had the most to offer the platform.

Technical lead for the ten person Actions on Google Technical Support team.

Code for America
January 2015 - July 2016
2015 Fellow

Leading engineering and development work on Project Comport, an ETL pipeline to open the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department's internal metrics to the public. (2015, Python, Flask)

Released the nation's first Police Open Data Census, cataloging open accountability data efforts by police departments nationwide. (2015, Javascript)

Participated in the White House working session on Technology and Data Innovations for Transparency and Accountability in Policing.

June 2010 - December 2014
Senior Consultant

Designed and built a critical clinical decision content API for an expanding evidence-based care guidance provider. (2013-2014, C#, ASP.NET)

Served as a trainer for six recent graduate hires in the newly opened Johannesburg office. Adapted and taught a curriculum that provided the programming, project and consulting foundations required to continue on in the ThoughtWorks University training program. (2013, Java, Ruby)

Replaced the legacy purchase order management system for one of the largest specialty retailers in the United States, removing a whole set of error prone manual copy and pasting steps and allowing the company to consolidate similar orders across all their brands and international markets. (2011-2013, Java, Spring, Javascript)

Built a content validation UI for a clinical decision support provider that gave users instantaneous feedback to know when they would fail integrating with their electronic medical record provider, massively reducing wasted time, effort and aggravation. (2010-2011, C#, ASP.NET, Javascript)

U.S. Department of State
June 2009 – August 2009
Consular Affairs - Executive Office Intern



In June of 2012 I got curious about the fact that my hometown of Detroit used to be known as "the Paris of the Midwest". I set out to find and map every “X is the Y of Z” phrase used on Twitter. (2012, Python, Django, Javascript)



Built during the inaugural ThoughtWorks Harambee Hackathon in Johannesburg on an extremely comfortable day weather-wise, p-seventy-two lets a user pick a temperature and find out where they should spend each month to stay as close to that temperature as possible. (2013, Ruby, Rails, Javascript, d3)


The Fauxmerican Athletic Conference

Starting off as a joke about College Football realignment, the Fauxmerican Athletic Conference became an entirely client-side College Football simulator. Its core football engine was also repurposed for my 2014 NaNoGenMo entry: THE FAUXMERICAN FOOTBALL CONFEDERACY: A SPORTS NOVEL. (2014, Javascript)



BA in Public Policy
August 2006 – May 2010
University of Michigan - Ann Arbor


Germs, Genes, and Memes: Function and Fitness Dynamics on Information Networks
July 2015 - Philosophy of Science 82

With Grim, Singer, and Fisher

Scientific Networks on Data Landscapes: Question Difficulty, Epistemic Success, and Convergence
June 2013 - Episteme 10

With Grim, Singer, Fisher, Bramson, Berger, Flocken and Sales

Polarization and Belief Dynamics in the Black and White Communities: An Agent-Based Network Model from the Data
July 2012 - Artificial Life 13

With Grim, Thomas, Fisher, Singer, Garza, Fryer and Chatman

What You Believe Travels Differently: Information and Infection Dynamics across Sub-networks
December 2010 - Connections 30

With Grim, Singer, Fisher and Majewicz